2012年5月28日 星期一


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a. 大風吹

1. 參加者圍成一圓圈,臉向圓心坐下 (不要有空位)。

2. 另一參加者站在圈的中間,高聲地發出R令,例如:「大風吹,戴手錶 (任何特徵) 的人走」,那麼在場中所有戴手錶的人都要互換坐位 (最少要隔一個座位才可坐)。而站在中間的參加者就要乘機佔據一座位。


b. 估領袖

1. 參加者圍成一圈,臉向圓心坐下,然後選出一人離開場地。

2. 參加者選出其中一人做領袖,他負責帶領參加者做各項動作如鼓掌等,參加者 就要靜靜地跟從領袖,若領袖轉換動作 時,所有參加者也要跟他轉動作。

3. 離開場地的人回來,站在圈中間,憑著觀察參加者的動作和表情來猜測誰是領袖。

4. 一般會給予三次機會,若猜對了,領袖需離開場地;否則要再離開場地繼續遊戲。

c. 麻鷹捉雞仔

1. 一人擔任麻鷹,另一人擔任母雞,其他的人則是雞仔。

2. 雞仔在母雞後面排隊,各人用手搭著前方的肩膊,防止隊伍散脫。

3. 母雞張開雙手,保護雞仔,麻鷹藉著快速行動捕捉雞仔,被捉到的小雞便被淘汰。

d. 紅綠燈

1. 一人負責做『紅綠燈』背向參加者,其他參加者則站在另一端,相距約十碼 (可自定距離)。

2. 『紅綠燈』背著眾人說:「紅綠燈,過馬路要小心!」,然後 迅速 轉身,當參加者被『紅綠燈』看見移動便輸了,便要排在『紅綠燈』後面(抅著紅綠燈的手指尾),如此類推,等其他人救。

3. 眾人爭取『紅綠燈』背向他們時靜靜地接近,第一個到達便可斬斷排在『紅綠燈』後面的人,然後大家趕快地逃走,同時『紅綠燈』會立即叫一聲「停」,所有 在逃的人便要停下來。

4. 『紅綠燈』可跳三步,並在三步之內觸摸到停下來的人,被觸摸到的人就做『紅綠燈』繼續遊戲。

e. 狐狸先生

1. 一人負責做『狐狸先生』面向參加者,其他參加者平排站在另一端,相距約十碼 (可自定距離)。

2. 參加者問:「狐狸先生,幾多點?」,『狐狸先生』可答一點至十二點的數目。

3. 例如:「三點」,參加者便向前行三步,如此類推,如已走到『狐狸先生』那端,可繼續向起點方向行。

4. 直至『狐狸先生』回答「十二點!」時,大家要趕快地逃走,返回起點那端。

5. 被觸摸到的人就做『狐狸先生』繼續遊戲。

f. 猜皇帝

1. 在參加者中挑選二人擔任大皇及二皇。

2. 其他的人排隊與二皇猜拳,如二皇勝了,則負方要重新排隊,若勝了二皇便可挑戰大皇,大皇則要連勝兩次才可以打敗。

3. 大皇若輸了,便要讓位給猜贏的人,自己則降級做二皇,而二皇便要重新排隊繼續挑戰。

g. 拳霸(猜 包, 剪, 石頭)

1. 開始時各人找對手猜拳,猜輸者要跟在勝者後面(用手搭著勝者的肩膊)。

2. 勝者要繼續找其他對手猜拳,如此類推。

3. 直到最後所有人排成一條隊伍,最頭的參加者為全場冠軍 “拳霸”。

h. 掉手巾
玩法 :

1. 參加者圍成一圓圈,面向圓心坐在地上。

2. 一人負責拿著手巾在圓圈外慢行, 他可將手巾不知不覺地放在任何人背後的地上。

3. 坐在地上的人不能向後望,只可以用手觸摸背後是否有手巾。當摸到背後有手巾時,便立即拿著追趕放手巾的人。

4. 被追者若跑完一圈仍未被後面的人捉到,他便可返回空位坐下,若被捉到,則代替拿手巾的人繼續遊戲。

5. 如果參加者未發覺自己背後地上已放有手巾,等到放手巾的人跑完一圈回來,拾起手巾時,他便要到圓圈中間『坐監』,而坐監的人則要待有另一人坐監時才可以放監。

i. 奪寶物

1. 參加者可分成兩組、三組或四組,橫排相對而企,每組的人數必須相等,各自從一號開始報數,結果每人都與其他組的人有同一號碼。

2. 將「寶物」放在圈的中央,並在地上劃記號。

3. 主持叫其中一個號碼,每組屬那號碼的人就跑到中央去奪取寶物,拿著寶物的人若不被對方觸著身體而返回原位,便是勝方,如被對方觸摸到便是負方了。

j. 轟炸機

1. 先在地上貼上不同國家名的大紙,每個參加者要找一個國家企上那張紙上。

2. 主持人講:「轟炸機來了,要炸(某個國家)」,企起那個國家上的人要走去另一個國家。

3. 期間會有人去捉正在走的人,被捉到的人幫手在下一次主持再叫時捉其他參加者。

4. 最後剩下10個參加者有小禮物。

k. 大車輪

1. 參加者可分為二至四組。

2. 每組有一疊報紙及膠紙,盡快將報紙貼成一個大車輪。

3. 整組站入車輪中合力滾動車輪行到對面終點線,最快的那組為勝方。

L. 糖黐豆


1. 在限定場地內,任由主持宣佈 『糖黐豆』的數目,可二、三、四或者五人等為一組。

2. 參加者根據所宣佈的數目組合,不 符合 數目的人便被淘汰。

M. 心臟病

1. 參加者可分為兩組。另外挑選一人出來坐在兩組相同距離的中央。

2. 每組需輪流派代表出來,向坐在中央的人耳邊輕聲說出對方組員的其中一個名稱(猜測對方會派別讓對方聽到)。

3. 例如第一組派其中一個人(如:A君)出來向坐在中央的人說出第二組的人(如:C君)。

4. 若第二組派代表出來說出對方組員,假設派B君出來,他可繼續說出第一組的組員名稱。

5. 假設第二組是派C君出來,坐在中央的人就待C君走近時,向他大聲叫:「嘩!」。

6. C君則要與坐在中央的人替換位置,繼續遊戲。

N. (以訛傅訛的玩法可以有很多變化)

2012年5月25日 星期五

How to Become a Kindergarten Teacher

"What Starts in Kindergarten Changes the World"

Step 1: Decide if It's Right for You
Being a kindergarten teacher is not for everybody. The job takes dedication, patience and the willingness to manage your young charges. To get a feel for whether kindergarten teaching is right for you, consider volunteering opportunities at local schools or in other educational settings.
  1. Try to volunteer at a local community outreach or after-school program. Many programs can use the extra help. Volunteering can be an excellent way to gain practical teaching experience.
  2. Become a tutor. Are you particularly knowledgeable in sciences or languages? Tutoring can be a great way to hone your teaching skills on a one-on-one basis.
  3. Consider becoming a mentor. Mentoring is beneficial to many students, and is great experience. Check with local community organizations to assess their needs for potential mentors.
  4. Become a teacher's aide. Contact local school administrators to find out about possible opportunities. Volunteering as a teacher's aide could help you become comfortable in the classroom.

Step 2: Education
Consider what educational background will be required for the job. Differences in educational requirements and regulations vary from state to state and between public and private schools. According to the website Education Portal: "Coursework in a Kindergarten Teaching Degree Program may include:
  • Theories in Child Development
  • Curriculum Planning
  • Integrating Parental Involvement
  • Foundations of Bilingual Education
  • Culture and Curriculum
  • Childhood Learning
  • Child Language Acquisition
  • Play and Learning"
Apart from normal coursework, many colleges require classroom experience. This may involve assistant teacher positions concurrent with or following study requirements.

Step 3: Get Certified

Teacher certification is usually required whether teaching public or private classes. The requirements you'll need to fulfill in order to obtain certification as well as the type of certification you'll need vary based on state or school system.

Step 4: Where to Teach
Where would you like to teach? Begin by researching rules and qualification requirements for kindergarten teachers in your own state. Keep in mind that not all teaching certificates and qualifications are the same between states, so if you think you might want to move, find out ahead of time whether the licenses are transferable.
Cost of living vs. salary is an important factor to consider if you are willing to move to secure a position as a kindergarten teacher. For instance, during the 2006-07 school year, teachers in Alabama earned an average of $43,389; teachers in California earned an average annual salary of $63,640.4
As a new kindergarten teacher, you will likely be paid lower than other, more seasoned teachers. New teachers' salaries for the 2006-07 school year ranged from $26,988 to $44,523, depending on location.5

Step 5: Find a Job

Once you have completed a bachelor's degree and obtained the necessary certification and credentials, it is time to begin your job hunt!
  1. Prepare a resume and list any and all unique qualifications. Did you volunteer as a tutor or a teacher's aide? If so, include all of this information. Check out Mahalo's How to Write a Resume page for great tips on how to make your resume stand out!
  2. Begin sending out your resume to prospective employers. Not sure where to send it? Monster.com and Careerbuilder.com can be excellent jumping-off points. Also consider posting your resume to education-specific sites like Education World and K-12jobs.com. A list of job banks for private schools can be found on the Council for American Private School Education's website.
  3. Networking can be an excellent way to find out about potential job openings for kindergarten teachers. Contact teachers you may know in your area to find potential leads. Join professional teaching organizations like the National Education Association (NEA) or the American Federation of Teachers to make potentially valuable contacts in the teaching profession.
  4. Keep in mind that job availability will vary by state and region. Of the nearly four million people working as teachers in the U.S. in 2006, approximately 170,000 were kindergarten teachers. By contrast, 1.5 million were elementary school teachers. Jobs teaching kindergarten might not be as plentiful—willingness to be flexible is key


5.25 今天是YEAR 1 LAST DAY既日子,


5.11是實習的LAST DAY,依家諗返起好似係琴日既事咁,


今個學期的COMPUTER學了怎樣用PHOTOSHOP, 無用過既我覺得好難........
